First, I'm going to run a half marathon. I don't know why I decided to do this, but the idea popped into my head a couple of months ago and now I really want to do it. There's one coming up in May that goes around Prospect Park and other areas of Brooklyn, so I'm going to start training for it on Monday (by which I mean I'm actually going to go running for the first time since Christmas break). I know there are a couple of marathon runners that read my blog, so if you have any advice, feel free to share!
My other main goal for the year is to save money. As sad as it may sound, I've never had a personal savings account that I contributed to myself. I figure, saving money is part of being an adult, right? I especially want to build up a healthy emergency fund. (Yeah, that's right Dad, I read personal finance blogs now. Can you even believe it?) I'm also working on cutting costs and being diligent with budgeting.
Which brings me to a piece of news: I'm moving! Well, about 20 blocks north. Although I'd been wanting to move further downtown for a while, two of my friends found an adorable 3-bedroom apartment for majorly reduced rent (thanks, Recession!) and asked if I wanted to move in. And when you couple the fact that they're both fun and awesome with the fact that I'd be paying way less rent for a bigger room with laundry in the building (you have no idea how exciting this is) and the express train a block away, it wasn't much of a dilemma, you know? And not only will it help with my goal to save money, but there are two gorgeous parks nearby with running trails that will make excellent venues for my half-marathon training. (See how I pulled that all together?) Some pictures of the new place:
(these were just from the realtor's listing - I'll take my own once we get the place furnished and decorated)
Wow, I was kinda playing it fast and loose with the parentheses in this entry, wasn't I?