Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Sometimes my life is so fancy that I can hardly stand it.

Last week they started arranging a portion of our office to use as a movie set.

I suppose that is just one of the perks of working at a glamorous music company in New York City, right? We knew that The Pfeiff would be shooting here but weren't sure who else from the cast would be in the scene. You can imagine the hearts set aflutter around the office when this teen heartthrob showed up:

I walked into the office kitchen to prepare my oatmeal this morning and there he was, piercing blue eyes and all.

P.S. Apparently my dad was about as nonplussed by this news as he is by "Justin Beaver" (sic). I'm sure he'll come around once we officially announce our engagement.


  1. AWE.SOME! And, can I say that I'm relieved that he's actually taller than I thought?

  2. Do you have a date tonight? I mean, you're wearing earrings. And a necklace.

    In any case, you have a date *now,* right? Awesome.

  3. I didn't recognize him. He's put on some weight. And I beleive it's pronouced "Justice Beaver."

  4. I'm checking the next US weekly to hear about Zac's new hot red headed girlfriend! SO cool.

  5. Did you break out in song and then he joined in to harmonize? Because that's what happens in the movies...

  6. Wow, I just checked out the movie via your link to IMDB; what a cast! I had been wondering when Robert De Niro, Julie Andrews, Ice Cube, Jon Bon Jovi, Hilary Swank and Ryan Seacrest would finally come together to make a movie. Now I know.


  7. He looks like a deusche in that picture.

    And my spell check says I've spelled that incorrectly but doesn't give me an alernate. BLAST.

  8. Is that a camera phone picture? You really should keep a real camera on hands at any time. Especially living in NYC.

    Anyway. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
    And you sure dress up nice for work!

  9. i LOVE it! what an honor to be your friend. you are so super fancy. i hope i can be fancy like you someday when i move to new york and marry a hot celebrity. you're my idol.

  10. p.s. becca, it's douche. i guess i write that word a lot. hmm. haha

  11. Oh, and you totally should have started singing "We're All In This Together." I bet he never gets that and would have really liked it.

    And thank you Becca for giving us another gem--I'm totally going to start calling people deutschebags.

  12. I assumed from Becca's comment that she thought he looked German.

  13. perez hilton hasn't mentioned you yet, how could he have missed this??

    in other news, "justin beaver" is the most hilarious thing i have heard all day and i cannot stop laughing.

  14. What a glam life you lead =-)

  15. I will be checking my mail for an invite to the wedding and an invite to the premier showing of the movie as we can both walk down the red carpet escorted by such a heartthrob. You do have a cameo, do you not? They must recognize your talent! Very cool Laura.

  16. Oh my gosh this thread of comments is SO hilarious. Your dad's is my favorite. I didn't recognize your bf at first; he looks gangsta in that picture.



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