Monday, February 11, 2008

Slam your body down and wind it all around.

You guys, my seventh grade dream just came true. I have two free tickets to the Spice Girls show next Monday. I am so excited I cannot even tell you.

I love my job.


  1. WHY DID WE NEVER DRESS UP AS SPICE GIRLS for Halloween? You could have been Ginger, Robyn-Baby, me-Sporty or Posh (because I am, after all, both), and we could make friends with a black person to be Scary. Next year.

  2. Hahaha... SO much untapped potential. I can't believe we missed out on that. This must indeed be rectified.

  3. Iwannareallyreallyreallywannajigajigahhhhhhhh

    Have fun :)



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